Hello Jason,
I shoot a bunch of 7mm TCU. My eamil address is even seventcu@. I have loaded and fired 8,648 rounds of 7 TCU in the past 6 years and more before I built my record keeping database.
Fireforming and touching the lands. Robert is correct about fireforming loads being just as accurate as any other loads. I have had one rule about seating depth and that is that no matter how far away from the lands the bullet is, always have at least one bullet diameter (.284") of the bearing surface in the case neck. I never touch the lands with any bullet.
I have used several thousands of the Remington 140 grain PSP flat base bullet. It is very accurate out to 421 yards at Turkey Silhouettes. It won't be stable after that, though.
With the 140 grainer, I load 26 grains of H335. After you get your cases fireformed, you can use 16.3 grains of IMR 4227 or H4227 behind the 140 grain bullet for a very accurate and pleasant load to shoot.
I have tried several powders in the same burn rate as H335 and I have found best results with H335.
Heavier bullets work fine too. I couldn't get the 168 grain Sierra to work well in my 14" barrels, but in the 26" rifle barrels, it is deadly. I have a Remington 700 rebarred to 7mm TCU and a Custom Shop 26" SS. They both like the Sierra.
However, my barrels and one of my buddy's barrels like both of the 162 grain Hornady bullets (BTSP and the AMAX) with 25.5 grains of H335. BLC-2 will work well too.
I want to expand on the seating depth. If the bullets can get close to the lands (I never let them touch the lands), still keep a bearing surface of .284" in the case neck. The neck will guide the bullet into the throat. If the bullet is not secured well by the neck, the bullet can and will tip. Accuracy will not be a happy thing.
Harold Clark