Author Topic: Hogs and instant bait question...  (Read 643 times)

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Offline Bama76

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Hogs and instant bait question...
« on: June 01, 2005, 02:17:04 PM »
If I were to sling out some soured corn within gun range before getting in my stand would it be useful in attracting hogs? It seems most of you guys use a more permanent feeder but it got me to wondering about using 'stank bait'  like a deer hunter might use Tinks #69.

Offline oso45-70

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Hog/Wild Boar Hunting
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2005, 05:10:02 PM »

Soured corn works great. If you have a chance spred some around and put some in a gunny sack as an attractant in a tree. Be sure to bury some so it wan't all be eaten in one shot. The smell will cary a lond distance and you should have hogs coming in on a regular time schedule..........Joe.......

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Offline PEPAW

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Hogs and instant bait question...
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2005, 01:35:01 AM »
Sure wouldn't hurt, but they would have to pass downwind for it to do any good.    That means they might also smell you unless you were kinda of careful.    Any that did pass by would surely stop for an easy shot.

I have tried the same thing while bow hunting, but never had it work.   I prefer to try and train them by feeding as often as possible to the same spot.   Spreading regular corn along a long stretch of road or sendero seems to be the best, except for an electric feeder.

Good luck.


Offline howie1968

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my advice
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2005, 01:15:35 PM »
my advice to you, is to use just pure corn. a couple reasons being  i have used soured corn to great avail i have tried probally every known contraption to bait for them. what i have found is  the stinkier  the more messier just seemed to attract the coons and varmints even more.  find you an area where they are hanging out use straight corn spread in a 50 yard area take either a shovel or post hole digger and dig some holes and alternate layers of dirt and corn sprinkle corn on top of the dirt and i promise they will go nuts trying to get it out. a less messy approach that i have used is to buy sweet feed also known as horse and mule feed  has a mollasses smell and is alot lighter than corn. ad some rasberry koo;-aid and it smells just like a well known attracted sold buy the pound at ungodly prices.  i would even mix the corn and sweet feed 50-50 ive gotten to where i like spreading it out on the ground more so than feeders   hopefully i have helped
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