Today was my turn for Nursing Home Rounds. three of us switch rounds every week, this week was mine. I rather enjoy nursing home rounds, because of the people I get to see. But there are days I leave there with this sinking feeling in my heart, today was one of those days. One of my most favorite patients is now in his mid 80's. He was a BAR man with the 28th ID. I would bet by his size he was one tough guy in his day. He was wounded by a German 88 in the closeing days of the Ardennes Campaign, and still carries parts of that day with him. He was looking kinda down today so I just sat down with him and we talked about all kinds of stuff, from my kids to fishing. I will often times take my son over to see him. I think it is good for both of them. My son enjoys sitting on his lap while we talk.
He showed my his Purple Heart and Bronze Start today, and I had a hard time choking back the tears. I see a frail old man who is nearing the end, who has survived the depression, and fought his way across Europe came back shot up and farmed the rest of his life. God only knows how many days he has left here, and I feel saddened knowing the void that will be left with is passing. His health is failing and there is nothing I can do to stop it. It breaks my heart to see that one day not too far away my friend will be gone, I have lost too many like him already and in another few years most of the greatest generation will be gone. they have made me richer a man for knowing them. One day their stories will only be read, and not heard from the person that was actually there. A toast to the BAR man!!