I avoided the Model 60 for a lot of years, simply because it seemed everyone had one. I like guns that are out of the ordinary. After collecting many good old twentytwos, I finally decided I needed a "new" one to act as a test piece to compare the old ones to. I bought the 60SB in '97, and it's been a good reliable and accurate shooter - though most of my old ones are a bit more accurate. The 60SB does outshoot my even newer Ruger 10-22 Wally Mart Special. I generally shoot the plated bullets in the semiautos, as they seem to feed better.
In the bolt rifles, I prefer the cast lead loads.
Cleaning the Marlin 60 isn't bad - once you've done it a couple times, and know to be careful with the recoil spring. I kinked the one in my old 99M1 Marlin carbine.