First, I'm sorry it took so long to reply. My computer monitor died and online time has been intermittent. I hadn't talked with him for a year and didn't know if he still had it.
Anyhow I went back and looked at it. It was a 336RC in EC condition. It had slight wear marks on the hammer. I've had the bug for a 30/30 this last year so I bought it for $175 which included a box of new Winchester cartridges. That walnut stock, lever action, and the fact I won't lose anything on it helped me decide to buy it. 30/30's used to bring $100-150 around here but a friend said it was worth $200-250.00. Everything just keeps going up.
The problem now is the sights are blurred more than I like. I would like to get an aperture sight but that front post would still be blurred. Maybe the XS ghost sight would solve that problem or no-line glasses. I also want to try a very light weight and low powered scope, to see how it affects handling.
Now, if Illinois would just let us use rifles during deer season!