It seems like every computer, printer, and digital camera comes with software to better manage your pictures. Then there are the after market software folks who have photo software. We recently took the jump and purchased our second digital camera. We also have a couple of 35MM camera's in the house. In my job I use to shoot a lot of crime scene photos and present them in court. So I have had a long term interest in cameras.
In the past we have managed a lot of photographs on our computers. This includes scanned historical family photos. My wife took the lead in researching a new digital camera. Our earlier 2.2 mega pixel camera took a lot of pictures but it needed replacing. We have a granddaughter that has been into photograph the last three years and the wife said it was time to change. We purchased a Kodak Easy Share DX7590. It has a 10X optical zoom, and a 3X digital zoom. The key is the optical zoom. It is a 5 MP camera. We love it so much the extended family has bought three more of them.
We were happy with the original software for handling photo's but the new camera came with Kodak software which we loaded. It does not do a bad job, but e-mailed photos look like a Kodak commercial. I think they end up being routed through a Kodak site. One of those little hidden "got you" in software. The wife has a major project going. The project consist of putting together "scape books" for the grandkids. Of course this required a new Cannon Photo Printer. The printer came with new photo management software. This printer produces great photographs. Did I mention this is hooked up to the wife's computer and is not networked. She likes the photo management software which was part of the Cannon package.
Unit a week ago my computer was hooked up to our old Hp printer. A good basic letter printer. But when she bought me a new laptop Dell offered a printer in the package. She upgraded that to a Photo printer, scanner, fax, copier combination. It does a good job on photos. documents, and copying.
She was kind enough to install it to my desk top computer. I was one happy boy until I went to my photo auburns. Everything had changed. File extensions had been modified, and I did not like the software. Maybe somebody else likes it. I do not. On Installation it made itself the default photo software. I FREAKED! This software had taken over my photo collection.
But there were other forces at work. My oldest granddaughter has been using Adobe Photo (?) in her high school photograph class. The wife was impressed with the product and bought us a less expensive version of it, it is titled Adobe Elements. I loaded it on my computer and re-claimed my photos from the Dell software that came with the new printer and was installed on the new laptop. I hate it, I have un-installed both Jasc Paint Shop Photo album, and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 Dell Edition. I was a very unhappy boy with this photo software. :evil:
I did have a back up plan. I had stored most of photo files on a recordable CD's. I suggest that you might want to have a backup plan for photograph's stored on your computer. You do not want to lose those hunting and fishing photos. Things happen to computers. But when software modifies your files in a manner in which you did not plan I consider it a violation of trust. Something like being infected by a worm or virus. :shock: