Well, I'm not trying to ridicule anybody and hope nobody felt that way. OTOH, this internet we call "the information highway" can be just as well called "the misinformation highway"
I'm a natural skeptic and especially regarding the internet. I fear that the internet has gone a long way toward replacing knowledge with information.
Damn right. "If you build it they will come" and "if you say it people will listion" The internet in full of a bunch of degenerates that pray on the weak and unedjucated retards. The scary thing is, that when you say something, even if it is false, it get planed into your brain, it plants a seed that starts to grow in the heads of the people with no logic, to the point they start to beleave it. Perfect example " fairenheit 9/11", Even given Moores track record, people still think he was telling the truth in that movie and people think that movie was real. There is a million Michael Moores on line every second of the day.
You know, every time I listion to most people talk about the laws and government, I feel more dumb, just from reading what people say. I dont hear any logic, only a bunch of drama dariys that have nothing else to do, so, they get over dramatic and bitch about it. If you dont like it and you think guns and ammo is going to get outlawed, find a new hobbie, go collect Barbie dolls or somthing, case closed. Go find a hobbie you do not have to bitch about every day and if you do want to bitch about it, keep it to your self, because people like me and other people with logic really dont care what you have to say.
As far as 9MM ammo and .223 ammo. I get CCI 9mm for $3.86 a box and .223 fed for $3.10 a box.