Has anyone heard how the 2004 bear take was. From all reports the bear population in NY is growing and it should of been a good season but I have heard very little from anyone on this topic. I saw a lot of bear tracks and had a few trees scratched up on my on my property in Western NY but I didn't see any bears myself. My property is not far from Allegany State Park though so that not out of the ordinary there. What was out of the ordinary is that the DEC expanded the hunting range just a few days before the season began to include all of Cattaraugus County, not just the
typical southern DMU areas around the park. I believe they expanded areas in the rest of the southern zone also. So tell us your bear stories for this last year they would be great to hear. Thanks.
I am especially interested to see how it was in Cattaraugus County, particularly the DMU areas 9R and 9T which are the areas around Allegany state park since I don't believe you can hunt bear in the park itself. I would think those numbers should of been higher than last year.