Is there a cure or something that minamizesr plastic fouling in the rifled bbl ?
I have 2 rifled slug guns, one is a 12ga and the other a 20ga. The 12ga is not a problem. The 20ga is a problem after about 4 shots the goups scatter and I mean scatter ! The first 4 shots are great stuff like 1 to 1.5 inch at 50 yards off the bench. 5th shot 9 inches to the right, 6th 8inches low, ect, ect. Clean the bbl real well and it all starts over again. Very strange. I did this 3 times today.
The 12ga I'm shooting the same winchester and federal sabot loads as in the 20ga of course for thier respective chambering. The 12 ga shoots incredible groups of 1.0 to 1.5 at 100 yards all day long without any cleaning during the shooting session.
Anyone have a clue on this and why the 20ga is so sesative to the plastic fouling ?