I've had very good, consistent success in this area with the following combinations:
Bait: most Fish-based baits, Caven's Minnesota Valley predator bait, and fresh frozen mice
Lure: Blackie's red ranger, Caven's bobcat gland, and I also used mink gland lure as change up for both species.
I used a lot of mink and fox urine also with good success on both cats and coyotes.
I ran mostly 2-3 sets per location. One was generally a single or double dirthole, at least one was a post-type set, and other was just something completely different like a flat set or whatever I could throw in to be creative. The odd set connected once and awhile...enough to make the 3rd set worthwhile anyway...but seemed like the other two received more action. Interestingly I caught a significant amount of cats in post-type sets. Not much eye-appeal at them whatsover just odors from mink or fox pee.