I'm seriously considering ordering a .280 Rem Handi as my next rifle...
Go on kombi, you know you want to!!! :grin:
Then we can start the Handi-Holic (South Pacific Chapter). :wink:
Yes, well, we all know what
you're like, don't we.......
:roll: :lol:
In all reality it'll probably happen just after Christmas because I promised my wife I wouldn't buy another gun for 6 months. :?
Does give me time to save up. :wink:
I have my mind on another possible purchse but to be honest the .280 is a less fuss alternative, in some ways that is.
I'd still have to score the cases & dies for it though and that would be the interesting.
My other option I already have dies for and cases are super cheap......but it isn't as high powered as the .280 and scoping it would be troublesome. :?
Perhaps I should put that one off to the next purchase. :|
Afterall, there's always the next purchase..... :mrgreen: