Author Topic: Scored on WW lead  (Read 768 times)

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Offline dakotashooter2

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Scored on WW lead
« on: February 21, 2003, 03:51:45 PM »
Stopped at the local tire shop the other day to pick up some ww for casting and found out they have a 55 drum FULL plus about 5-6 5 gal pails that were in the shop. Seem the only people in my area using it are the fishermen who only take 5 lbs at a time. The nice part is that a lot of it is from truck tires, meaning BIG chunks and a lot of flat stick on pieces with no clips. Looks like I'm set for life. Only charged me $2 for a 5# bucket. Lucky me. Lucky me. :P  :P  :P  :P  :P
Just another worthless opinion!!

Offline Omaha Poke

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Scored on WW lead
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2003, 05:05:51 PM »
Dakota, lucky you!!  Here in WA State most of the tire stores sell their WW to recyclers and anyone is hard pressed to be able to come up with a reliable source of WW.  I used to have a good source, but that dried up.  Luckily I still have about 900 lbs of cleaned WW's.  Pure lead is what I would like to be able to get.  If anyone in the greater Seattle area knows of a good source, please let me know.  Nice going Dakota.   :-D
Randy Ruwe