Friend on another board sent me a sample of the RCBS 95 grainer (current production) to try out. This bullet, sized .244 and pushed with 12 grains of 2400 shoots like a house afire. Velocity is circa 1700 fps, so it's a respectable load.
Been shooting this in a local friends 243 Handi with a 15 pound trigger (no joke) the load shoots better than I can hold the gun. Of 4, 5 shot groups, 3 have 3 shots in 1/4-3/8" WOW. None of the groups are larger than 1". The first group was vertically strung, but was also the first f through a freshly cleaned barrel. The others are nicely rounded.
Gotta massage the trigger for sure. This has me thinking of a 243 barrel for myself. A good shooter indeed.