unfortunately it looks like the only the only bear story I will be telling this year is the one about how the three sure sources I had for bait all couldn't come up with any when I needed it. Digging in trash dumpster's is not an option I am willing to pursue, so I guess it's either scent strips, predator call or wait to next year. Good luck to you and your clients and thanks for responding.[/b]
i hope you read this soon, if you are in mineapolis mn...you ae roughly 2 hours away from good bait at good prices.
cadott wisconsin just off of front street. i dont know the name of the place but its a small warehouse and all you gotta do when you get to town is ask where the place that has hog feed and bear bait that is located behind the feed store.....its just a few blocks off of hiway 27...stop at the gas station on the four corners.
they have 55 gal barrels of ceral mix for 37 bucks...(about 10 c per pound) with a 7.00 deposit on the barrel. they have 50 pound 5 gallon buckets of fruit toppings, icings and other stuff for 6.00. they have gallons of liquid smoke for 5.00 per gallon. 55 gal barrels of chips ahoy cookies for 50.00....and marshmallow cream.
you can easily make a trip with a truck and 150.00 will have you in bait till your season winds down to the end.