Hello All,
I have an RCBS power case trimmer and have been thinking of how I could set it up to trim jackets. RCBS has that “three way cutter” that trims, chamfers, and deburrs at the same time and it is fully adjustable, one nice bit of engineering. Their old case trimmer used collets to hold the cases in but now it is held in by a type of shellholder that grips the case by the extraction groove or rim.
Butch and the rest of us swagers out here/there, a copper tubing cutter saw is fine for cutting the tubing, but something like a universal jacket cup trimmer that could be used on any reasonably thick cup would be worth its weight in….copper. Lets get a working proto type going here, so that everyone could benefit.
Could you tell us a little more about these tools that are chucked in to the drill that will deburr and chamfer at the same time and for a 1/2 inch cup they start at $40 dollars and go down? And where can these tools be found?
Hello Mr. Butch hairfield, welcome to the bullet-swaging forum. I have heard a lot about you and I am pleased you have joined us. All the guys and gals here are wonderful people, just pardon my occasional out burst of PMS. :wink: