I can't believe I'm the only person here, or elsewhere, that has a problem with Remington's J-lock or Smith's integral lock. It's just a play to the anti's and politicians to win favor. There was never a mandate forcing firearms makers to further impose regulations or gimmickery on their customers, this was a voluntary move by two industry giants. I just don't get it. I didn't get it when Winchester put the safety on their leverguns either. I refuse to have things such as this forced upon me, voluntarily by a manufacturer.
It's not just the big Green either, it's Smith & Wesson, Winchester with their safeties on leverguns and Marlin with their crossbolt safety. I simply refuse to lay down and approve of this through purchasing this further restriction upon gunowners. Next, will it be a computer chip that logs each shot taken, a tracking device, "smart" safeties, fingerprint only firing? Sorry, but the lock isn't needed. It's just a blatant passive political move to please those that want to further restrict gun ownership.
If you need a lock on your gun, there are plenty out there that will fit it. Best yet, EDUCATE your children about firearms. The way some of these posts read, you are willing to allow a mechanical device replace your responsibility as parents to educate your child. Instead of taking responsibility we are willing to hand that off and put the onus on the manufacturer to save ourself or children from ourselves? Sounds like the DNC party line...