Well it sounds like someone actually thought that out pretty well. Wonder how much of it was luck?
Just called NEF and John found mine in the shipping room and pulled, it's being fitted with the 45-70 as we speak. Yahoo!
Now gotta get the brass dies etc that I got rid of
Some lessons I learn the hard way. Some of them are
When momma ain't happy, no one's happy (number 1 most important one)
I like larger calibers better than smaller ones (centerfire)
Keep larger caliber barrels, bullets etc and get rid of small stuff (KISS)
From now on when I DO get a new gun/barrel KEEP IT
This time my 45-70 WILL get a scope like I wanted to last time ( I have a nice 2X waiting for it)
(this space left blank intentionally for future lessons, as I'm sure there will be some