This is somewhat of a spinoff from another thread. I thought I would start its own.
Most everyone here has heard of PETA, but do you know who HSUS is? That stands for Humane Society o/t United States. Do NOT confuse them with the Humane Society that you may be familiar with in your home town. HSUS is a well funded animal rights organization, and much like PETA, they want to end your hunting & trapping rights by whatever means needed.
Here are some examples:
New Jersey Sunday hunting Bill Number: A. 3736 & S. 2475
HSUS Position:
OpposeAuthorizes Sunday hunting with bow and arrow. Currently in New Jersey, Sunday is the one day during hunting season that wildlife watchers and other outdoor enthusiasts can venture into the woods without fear of gun shots or arrows. Allowing hunting on Sundays would end a long standing tradition of no hunting that the state has had in place for decades.
California CA S.B. 1033 Deer Hunting
HSUS Position:
Oppose Deletes the provision in current law that allows the board of supervisors of a county to elect not to allow antlerless deer hunts in that county.
Michigan MI H.J.R. J Right to Hunt on 2006 Ballot
HSUS Position:
Oppose A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the state constitution that would recognize the right to hunt. This issue would be put to a vote on the ballot in 2006.
Wisconsin WI A.B. 586 & S.B. 26 Minimum Hunting Age
HSUS Position:
OpposeLowers the minimum hunting age from 12 to 10 years.
Montana MT H.B. 225 Right to Hunt
HSUS Position:
OpposeAmends the Montana state constitution to clarifies a "right" to hunt. This kind of constitutional amendment is unnecessary as hunting is already legal in the state.
Georgia GA S.B. 201 Hunting on State Land
HSUS Position:
OpposeOpens state land managed by the Department of Natural Resources to hunting and trapping.
Pennsylvainia PA H.B. 742 Legalizes Trapping Decoys
HSUS Position:
OpposeGives a full exemption to any decoy used in the trapping or killing of furbearing animals.
Colorado CO H.B. 1043 Increased Fines for Speeding in Wildlife Crossing
HSUS Position:
Support Increases the penalty for a moving traffic violation committed in a wildlife crossing zone.
Yall now can see who they are and what they are against. I came across many "canned" hunts as well, be we have covered that, so I purposly left those out. There are many bills in each state pending. I only a select few to post.
Now you know who HSUS is.