New York Hunter,
I have owned one .30-06 742 full length rifle, a .308 7400 full length rifle and presently own a .30-06 7400 Carbine. The Carbine is more accurate than either of the full length rifles I owned. It has been in my hunting arsenal for 2 years and spent quite some time afield last year. I have only the following negatives to report.
1] If it gets wet, it rusts fast.
2] The rear sight is junk, mine was not capable of fixing itself on the slide after three adjustments. I took it off. The front sight likes to loosen up also, but so far has retightened with no problem.
3] The magazine does not always function flawlessly with 4 rounds, but is fine with three.
As I scope the rifle for hunting and purchased the NECG aperture sight that fits the Weaver rails as the auxiliary rear sight, I do not mind point 2 above. I also typically load 3 shots into a high power hunting rifle, so point 3 above means little. And the rust matters not, as I bought the rifle for its inexpensiveness and carbine qualities for deer hunting in heavy brush. It excels at that, so a handkerchief wipedown before storing in the tent on a rainy night is tolerable.