I will put in a good word for Greg Mushials data. I shoot 10gr. of Titegroup, and have used it for many thousands of rounds. This is in a Marlin, Ruger, and NEF Buffalo Classic. All found this combination very accurate. My 6 year old has even shot this load. The only fear I have is double charging, so I go through and view each case with a flashlight. I also enjoy using HS-6, as well. These are plinkers, when the slower powders, (2400), and XMP5744, make a very usable hunting load. I sue 25gr. of 2400, or about 29gr. of XMP5744.
This is an excedingly cheap way to get to know your gun, and gives you a great insight into casting, and finding out what bullet your gun prefers with little if any pain. I don't use fillers, and its a good idea to read why in his write up concerning convective ignition.