Confronted parents, they were unaware of their childrens behavior until I brought it to light. Two of the three families I visited were horrified of their childern's behavior and thanked me for coming. The third apologized to me because they had lost control of their daughter and needed help. The last girl has been in allot of trouble and one more time she will be sent to a special school for troubled youth. Attitudes of kids and parents have improved 100%. The first two homes I visited, I was greeted and thanked for the intervention/info about their kids. I lost no rights and was thanked for coming. I think we will be friends with these families because of my personal commitment. My name is Rick and I will not worry about my family's safety before worring about my rights. I thank the LORD for the out come. Cats, we need to stop worring about our rights and protect our own. If it came to it I would gladly give up my freedoms for my children. I am almost 47, not PC and do not care if your offended. ACLU can have myass but my kin will be safe. Our country is based on the Ten Commandants. If you don't' like it, tough. Christians are going to re-take American from the left-homo-liberal trash. Get involved or get out of the way. I will no longer turn the other cheek. I cannot understand how America can be brought to its knees by a few non-believers. Get off your ass. Pledge the flag, honor the Ten commandments, Praise GOD, dust off your sorry asses and get involved. We must opposed the faggot and bad language on TV, and rude behavior. I thank GOD I live in the south where manners and worship is still tops.
G.B. note to you, I'll give up my guns, liberty. or my life to protect my family. Courts are for PC wussys afraid to speak up. I would suggest all Christians find their (balls) and start fighting back. It is time to speak up! GB, if you want to kick me off I understand.
R.A. Reece 865-680-2543 (24 hours a day)