Lawdawg, A couple of us have lined up a black bear hunt for late October, in the Chester area (near Susanville). This is only in the planning stages right now but looks pretty good. Friend of a friend has dogs , hunting area and many years of experiance. Best of all, he is not "guiding" us, so there is no fee or cost, other than tags, food, gear, lodging, etc. This is strictly a friendship thing, for the joy of bear hunting, seeing good hounds in action, sharing some good times and making new friends. There just might be room for one or two more hunters, (just two of us and the dog owner, right now). Guess it all depends on timing, and personalities. Ya know how hard it is to find a true huntin' pard. We don't drink, but certainly don't mind if others do, but we will not baby sit after a six pack or two. Anyway, I know you live in NorCal, so maybe we can work it out. BTW, I work for the Dept. of Corrections (talk about baby sitting) and I, too, hold the same opinion of yours regarding those damn mountain lions. Drop me a PM if interested...Peace and God bless, Wolfsong.