Hi, SavageT!
The method you described is fine for determining bullet seating depth where the bullet just starts to engage the rifling. HOWEVER, that is bullet seating depth, does not necessarily give you the COL you desire! The COL is dependent on magazine length, bullet style, shape, ogive, weight, and a bunch of other things. Yes, you can determine the origin or leede from your trial bullet seating. Just use a Sharpie or Magic Marker pen to paint your bullet nose (ogive and bearing surface) and chamber that round. The origin of rifling will show clearly as scrape marks on the jacket. If your cartridge case is trimmed to maximum length, you can then measure to find the distance to origin of rifling. COL should allow bullet nose to be just short of touching the leede.
As for your kinetic bullet puller not working, try rapping smartly on a harder surface. a block of hard wood or a slab of Formica plywood. Most military ammunition is made with asphaltum or a varnish-like waterproofing material that makes them a real bear to pull out. Rap harder.