Since the inception of the American Crossbow Federations Individual Membership program in 2001, one question regarding ACF benefits has overshadowed all of the rest combined When are we going to have a crossbow record book? We are pleased to announce that work has been done to establish the ACF BIG GAME REGISTER, which will document and record the harvest of big game animals with horizontal AND vertical bow for all ACF members. The preliminary objectives have been met and registrations have begun. Certain aspects of the process will be evolutionary in nature, but the basic blueprint of action has been established.
All species of big game animals (including introduced species and wild turkeys) shot in North America and all game taken from around the world with an arrow from ANY vertical or horizontal bow will be accepted for consideration. The initial minimum size listing may not include a particular species, but eventually all species will be added to the register as entry applications determine need. The ACF scoring system is similar to that of the Safari Club International program, which does not have a deduction system. If an animal has non-typical points and the entrant chooses to register it in the typical class, the non-typical points will not be added to the total score.
All animals taken with a crossbow or a vertical bow, going back to 1975, will be eligible for application to be ranked in the register. A completed registration form must be submitted with three photos of the entry (one from the left, one from the right and one frontal). Photos may be taken in the field at time of harvest or of the mounted specimen. Eligibility for inclusion in the record book will require that the applicant is a dues paying or Lifetime Member of the American Crossbow Federation. There will be a $25.00 registration fee for each animal entered. Each entry that qualifies for registration will receive a handsome award certificate, a record book membership card, and a listing in the ACF BIG GAME REGISTER for each animal registered. As the program evolves, other awards will be developed to give special recognition to members that harvest exceptional specimens and that make outstanding service contributions to the American Crossbow Federation.
A minimum qualification score has been or will be established for each species and, here again, resembles SCI guidelines for the majority of species. One half of the entry fee to register each animal will be used to defray the initial costs of the project, primarily for design and development of the forms and award certificates, advertising and contract labor. The other half of the entry fee will be placed in reserve to underwrite the future costs of publishing the first edition of the ACF BIG GAME REGISTER. The inaugural volume will be printed within three years of conception or after the first 500 entries have been received.
If you are an ACF member or would like to join and you have ideas to share, questions to ask, or an animal to register, please contact the ACF Main Desk at 320-634-3660 or email us at Rules, registrations forms and species minimum requirements are available and we have begun taking applications and registering entries.