I was just perusing the "Huglu - are they any good" thread, and Greybeard mentioned Bob Bristers Book.
I happen to have "Shotgunning, The art and the science", by Bob Brister, sitting on my desk. I've been reading it for the past few weeks, as I found it at the local used bookstore, for $7.
Is this a good book for shotgunning? I've learned a lot, but am only about 30% of the way through it.
I'm studying shotgunning and shotgun techniques so I can take my newly inherited '47 Remington Model 11 12ga out and have fun - woods, clay sports, etc.
It is a Model 11 w/ polychoke, so I'm learning about what chokes do. I am also learning about shot sizes, etc.
Can't wait to get my toy out, and play with it a bit. I'll probably add a SxS or O/U soon, probably a Huglu, or maybe something used and American.
Chip in GA