Dick Metcalf did a write-up on the .41 Mag way back in May 1984 for Shooting Times, and did a very considerable write-up on the cartridge, with velocities / goup sizes in 3 guns for about 50 loads, if anyone is interested i'll be happy to fax them the data.....with SSK 275 grain cast bullets, max powder charges shown are:
H110...18 grains
IMR 4227...17.5 grains
2400...18.0 grains
Unique...7.5 grains
W296...15.0 grains
no Blue Dot data is listed, and of course Lil Gun wasnt around back then, but there is still a lot of good info...email me at fyrepowrx@aol.com if you want a copy. For some reason i dont have a .41 at the moment, but after reading that article again i may have to fix that...