I don't know which bullet you are refering to, but can make most of the bullets I've offered in the past.
I've made arrangements to have my catalog hosted by Greybeard, and it should be up and running very soon. But until it is available again, contact me by email and give your postal mailing address to get a printed catalog, and or ask any questions you may have. LBT is a two person family operation and we'll take orders written on a piece of paper torn off a grocery sack if you want. An order form isn't necessary so long as we comunicate properly about what you want.
My email address is LBTisAccuracy@Imbris.net
I'm bound to get an unhappy customer occasionally. It's part of doing business. But, I bend over backward to fix all complaints if it is within my power. Problem is postal fraud can work either way, and my back doesn't bend backward at all if I'm the one being defrauded.