By the way, You will absolutely LOVE your 17HMR. I just got mine from Fred on Friday and put 100+ rounds through it. IT'S AWESOME! Like 1/2 inch groups at 100 yards awesome!
I never thought I'd have so much fun shooting. I got a 22 years ago for plinking and such, but now this is my new plinking gun. Mainly because it can reach out and hit (with deadly accuracy) whatever's around you out to 150+. I nailed a pigeon sitting on a deserted tin roof out in the field I shoot and saw nothing but a PUFF of feathers. I found feathers and a foot.
Not the round I'd suggest for meat hunting rabbits but can still get'em. Out here in New Mexico, the jackrabbits run off and don't stop till they are 100+ yards out. I can carry a tripod with a sandbag on top and have a FULL $10.00 worth of fun per box.
I got the 12 inch with the hangerbar system. Although I don't have a stock to fit it, I pulled the bar off and just used it the old fashion way with a wooden forend I had. Only trouble was the dovetails Fred had cut in this one was about 1/16 of an inch too far back to fit the stock perfectly.