Bullet selection for .411" bullets is pretty slim. Aside from the North Fork 360 grain and Woodleigh's 400 grain, there really isn't too many that will allow this cartridge to reach its potential. Barnes does have a 300 grain X, but I'm not sure if they'll continue with it. North Fork also offers a 300 grain, I believe. If you like Hawk bullets, they do have a wide selection to choose from.
My take on this one is to compare it to the 416's, which I believe it more closely aligns itself. The 416 Remington, which is the 375 H&H necked up to 416 is a very close running comparative. The 416's just have a much better selection of bullets and equal or better ballistics. If you want nostalgia, the 416 Rigby or 404 Jeff are more than the new H&H's equal.
Sent you a PM on this one.