I have a USHD that is in 12ga., mine loves the Winchester BRI slugs, but I'll agree with critter, they don't have that well of ballistics to begin wiht, not even 1,000 f.p.e at 100 yards, I don't worry about that too much becuase it would be very rare to shoot 75 yards where I hunt, The partition golds also shot alright in my gun, they felt like they kicked harder but i don't think you could go wrong with the nosler partition, and the Winchester Supremes seemed to shoot alright in my gun, I was trying all sorts of the more of handgun style bullets in the sabots this year instead of the hourglass shape,but i concluded for the range i would be hunting at and the price, and the shoulder factor, the BRI's were all i needed, also i don't think you would need a 3" slug but I haven't shot a 20ga. slug gun so im not sure about that one, but i have heard that some of the 12ga's tend to shoot better with the 2 3/4" shells, plus there cheaper most of the time....Not sure if the Hornady SST sabots are in 20ga. yet or even available because i couldnt' find them anywhere in 12ga. But they might be something to look into, I have heard no reports about them or seen them, but it might be something to look into...good luck!