Author Topic: More questions on the G36.  (Read 888 times)

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Offline jeager106

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More questions on the G36.
« on: September 22, 2005, 10:18:33 PM »
I bought one used, fired about 100 rounds.
The thing looks new.
I'm not much for plastic pistols but this one works and shoots just fine and of course the .45 a.c.p. is the only great round in a semi-auto.
I ordered an extra mag and three of the Pearce +1 extensions, a holster, mag carrier, Glock copper based lube, whatever that is, and an adjustable rear sight.
Mine shoots about 4" high at 25 yards with Rem. 230 ball and 3" high with Winchester white box 230 hollow points.
The Winny load groups 3" from the bench which I think is quite good for a little defesnive number.
It sure do recoil pretty good, but I can handle that o.k.
Questions are:
Is it easy to install the Pearce + 1 extensions? I know I have to check for functioning.
Is it easy to install the adjustable rear sight? Any tricks to this? Does the fixed sight drift out left to right like most others?
By the way I fired the 230 Winny h.p. into water jugs at 25 feet and they opened up really huge! blew two jugs to shreds and stayed in #3.
Penetration should not be an issue with this round and at 17 bucks for 50 it's a bargain.
The Remmy hardball was 9.98 per 50, not bad at all really. I reload but have too little time and I'm not sure reloads are good in the Glock. Comments?
I see no reason to even try any other defensive rounds unless you guys have some preferences worthy of note.
Looking for advice on ammo here.
Any sense in buying the expensive +P stuff?
Would the +P shoot even higher at the target?
What kind of bench rest accuracy are you 36 owners getting at 25 yards?

Offline Cottonwood

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More questions on the G36.
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 2005, 02:49:21 AM »
Have you been to Glock Talk

Offline Savage

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More questions on the G36.
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 12:27:28 PM »
One of my Glocks is a 36, fine carry gun, and fun to shoot. I believe the 36 is the best CCW gun that Glock makes. The Pierce extensions are easily installed. I have three of them in my parts box. They used to reside on my magazines. I removed them because they caused feed problems. They also add unnecessary length to the grip making a fime CCW less concealable. Reloads are fine in the 36, I run mine with Berry's plated bullets for plinking and IDPA. I use the Ranger LE ammo in mine, any good factory hollow point should perform about the same. I like the Golden Sabers and the Winchester Personal Defense as well. You'll need a sight pusher to properly install the rear sight. A taller front sight would be easier if you need to bring the POI down a little. As a rule, the lighter higher velocity rounds will shoot a little lower than the heavier slower bullets. Enjoy your 36!
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Offline Bubba w/a 45/70

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More questions on the G36.
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2005, 07:34:18 PM »
I see that I'm a bit late to this party here, but here's my opining:

I put the +1's on one of my mags and didn't care for the extra length in a CCW gun.  Then dropped down to the +0's and love them!  No extra length, and better fit for my hand.   I never had any problems with reliablility when having the +1 installed, so I would recommend them.  Others have had probs though, YMMV.

Best little .45 on the market for CCW, bar none.  All the bennies of plastic, and it hasn't failed me yet.  I was only able to make mine fail once, and I almost couldn't hold on to the pistol.  That's how bad things needed to get before I could make it malfunction.

I used to shoot 230s through mine, then I switched to 185 HP's, and 98% of what I put through mine is reloads.  Including my cary load.  And I'm not starting another thread about the legality of reloads.

Just follow the instructions that should have been included with your gun on how to remove the baseplate from the magazines, and reverse with the Pearces'.  

FWIW:  I don't care about "bench accuracy" with a carry gun. I'm more worried about "minute of man" or something more like that.  The ability to shoot, and hit reliably, targets this size in the kill zone makes me happier than getting subinch groups from a pistol.  Hunting with this pistol is a different situation, but I can't legally hunt with this caliber, so I don't care how accurate to the pinpoint my carry gun is.  I know what it is capable of and what I need to do with it at various ranges to get things done.  And yes, I can hit man targets at 100 yards with mine.  Reliably too.  Tight enough for me.
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Offline jeager106

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More questions on the G36.
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2005, 10:52:56 PM »
Got the Pearce +1 extensions on the thing.
I have complaints about eh gun though.
It won't drop magazines due to the funky mag release that sticks out the right side of the frame and into the shooting hand so it won't go all the way in.
Mags, with/wtihout Pearce extensions catch on my palm and that keeps them from dropping also.
My hand is a normal 'large'.
The thing is utterly reliable. I have the adjustable rear sight but don't know how to install it.
I suppose one drifts the rear out and the new in?????????
I complained about the mags not dropping on GlockTalk and I think I insulted thier sexuality or something.
Those Glocksters get fanatic.
If the G36 had the design right the mags would drop for anyone.
Just look at a 1911 compact or clone and make the cuts on the G36 and all would be well.
Glock gets an "F" on this one.
I could get out the dremel and make the thing right, on a 1911 clone or full sized Glock.
Wonder if I shaved the mag release part that sticks out the right side of the frame down and the right side of the Pearce extension if that would work?

Offline Savage

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More questions on the G36.
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 03:32:59 AM »
I would try to thin the right side of the mag release first if you think it's hitting your hand preventing the mag from dropping. It's a cheap part and easy to remove/replace. Just don't get it so thin that it breaks.
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