Yep, like roundball I tried them years back and love'm! Reliability of ignition (imho), is much higher with the CCI mag caps. I don't mess around or "scrimp too save" when it comes to ignition, I want that thing to go "boom" when I squeeze. And you can "hear" the differance when the mag cap goes off.
I also understand "nipple wear" and "gas cutting" in my perc guns.
Nipples take the brunt of the charge from both ends yet seem to be takin for granted. I've found the Knight "Red Hot" to be the best for reliable delivery of cap charge and longevity. I can get 200-300 rounds out of a "Red Hot" before I realize hammer set.
THE BEST #11 cap and the one that HAS gone out of production is the "Dynamit Nobel",,that's them German ones. You can "soak to the skin rain" on those caps,,shake the water off, then cap and shoot! done it. 15 times.
To offer critique of the cci mag caps: they do tend to foul the outside of the nipp and breech area of the gun a bit more than standard, I think it's that extra "bang" that they offer