Wrong choice of hunting area...Too many Hunters...Too much standing corn...No dogs...Just wasn't our day. We got skunked. Didn't even see a bird, bunny or squirrel. I am blaming it on my wife. Yes, the Good Lord usually listens to her and I am sure she requested that we not see anything on our hunt today.LOL She was raised on the Iron Range and pretty much had her fill of wild game as a youngster.
I did get to shoot up a few squash from my nephew's garden. That 12ga, 22" really has a kick to it. Not so much on the 24". I really like the 20ga. , too. When you're walkin' in grass nearly chin deep, it's nice to have a light and short gun. Much easier to carry.
We had a great time, even though we never even saw anything to shoot. My wife has been instructed to use a different prayer the next time.LOL It would be nice to, at least get to see something. It was a good day to be in the field and I am grateful to the Good Lord that I am healthy enough to enjoy it.
Have a great weekend. Cookieman