:cb2: I have always liked the Bisley grip because I started out with DA revolvers that had room for all my fingers. The SA Bisley grip just felt more "natural" than the shorter navy grip of the standard SA guns. But like everyone else said, feel both of them in the storeĀor better yet, at the range if any of your shootin' buddies has either, and see (feel) which one you like the best before buying.
I have 4 Bisleys and only 2 Blackhawks, so you can see which one i like the best.
I understand that the .45 Colt is a great round if you reload, but if you don't, there are a lot more .44 mag choices on the shelf at your local gun store. Plus, you can shoot .44 Specials in the .44 mag. Basically, neither you nor the deer will tell the difference between the two. Availability is my only concern.
Let me warn you. Once you go SA there is no turning back. You'll get hooked, and they'll just keep coming. They're so much more fun than any other gun. (It's great!)