Too many men make the mistake of buying what THEY think the wife should have. If SHE likes the Glock 22, then for goodness sake buy her what SHE likes. Shot placement is the key not caliber. If it's comfortable in her hands, and she shoots the G22 well, then that will be the gun to get, rather than getting her something you might think is better that she can't handle as well or hit with.
I've seen many men buy their wives authomatics and they didn't have the strength to work the slides. They couldn't get it through their heads that the "best" gun might not be the best gun for her.
Like Graybeard said, get the 10mm for you, but let the little lady have what whe wants. She'll shoot better and that is what counts.
And that's my 2ยข worth. Sorry. :cb2: