Harriet Miers, President Bush's nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court to replace Sandra Day O'Connor, is on record as supporting the establishment of the International Criminal Court, homosexual adoptions, a major tax increase and women in combat.
As White House counsel, Ms. Miers approved of the Department of Defense's illegal assignments of women in units required to be all-male, which is still continuing in violation of the law requiring notice to Congress in advance. The actions of Miers could lead directly to a future court ruling requiring women to register with the Selective Service for the draft because they are now being assigned to land combat.
Miers approved the Bush administrations retention of President Clinton's "don't ask, don't tell" regulations.
Miers has stated that taxpayers have a responsibility to pay for AIDS education and patient services. And she courted the support of the Lesbian/Gay Coalition of Dallas in her successful 1989 campaign running for a place on the city council.
Miers was a contributor to both the Bentsen and Gore presidential campaigns.
Contratulations to all of you conservative republican Bush-bots. Your boy has nominated a gay-favoring ultra-liberal feminist to sit on the bench at the Supreme Court.