Author Topic: New Problem for my Handy...Opens when firing...  (Read 413 times)

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Offline HutchHandiMan

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New Problem for my Handy...Opens when firing...
« on: October 27, 2005, 09:16:16 PM »
Well for the past 6 years my Handy has never let me down...but started to open when I fire it....

Some rounds when chambered leave a noticable gape between the top of the receiver and the barrel and some do not....if I take the barrel off and put it back on, those same round that left a gap then close..and the ones that did close, now haave a gape.....This is driving me crazy...For 6 years all I have had to do to close my .223 is a simple light closer, now if and when some of my cases cause a gape, I slam it shut, and some will gap and some will not...but 3 for 10 opened up on me today as soon as I fired the round....

All of the ammo that I am shooting is LC 01 brass that I have once fired before(UltraMax 50gr.)....Then reloaded them to Nossler specs jsut under that of the factory Ultramax that I bought them from.  yes I have checked the reloads, and all of the cases are still good, with no cracks or bulgdes....I even had the range master open a new box of Nornaday tsp and 9 of 20 would not close...then repos the barrel and half of the good one faild and half of the bad ones passed....

I inked the latch...and opened and closed the barrel a few times...without a ruler it appers to have about 1/16 " of over lap on the lug....I think that this is jsut not enough....1/8 is what I read before...Could it have been stretched in some way???I am also noticing now more side to side and twist play than I have ever before....when the barrel is open...none when closed....I am still using the same Sourvior stock that I have been for 4 years....

I think I am going to Call CS Friday, or maybe jsut email them....  Any bright ideas come to mind before I get NEF involded????


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Offline jack19512

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New Problem for my Handy...Opens when firin
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 11:29:48 PM »
I have a 223 Ultra and I recently started hand loading.  I have noticed on a couple occasions my Ultra has done that but only with my hand loads.  Never done it with factory ammo.

Offline trotterlg

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New Problem for my Handy...Opens when firin
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2005, 01:37:05 AM »
1/16 inch may be just fine, I find that an eigth is near the maximum on some rifles.  Check to see how much play is at the top of the release lever, if it is near the top then the latch is properly engaging.  Make sure there is no crud in the front of the chamber at the sholder, that will keep the rounds from fully chambering, if it did not do it on factory ammo I would say you are not getting the sizing die down fully during sizing and leaving the rounds long to the sholder.  Some side to side play is normal when open, don't worry, depends on how tight the forearm is.  If there is some dirt under the ejector it will hold the round out some because the ejector will not go all the way into it's slot.  Larry
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Offline Mac11700

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New Problem for my Handy...Opens when firin
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2005, 04:57:08 AM »
Definatly check to see if everything is clean in the chamber..and in the ejector area..crud can cause this..a good foaming bore cleaner works very good to loosen up everything in the chamber and bore..I use long q-tips to clean with in there..take the barrel off and clean it good...inside and out and the receiver too....Parts wear out...latch springs loose their strenght over time..the plastic forearm spacers wear as well...if cleaning doesn't may need to replace some parts yourself or send it back in and let them do it......give it a complete cleaning first..especially the chamber...

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