Took my Krieger rebarreled 25-06 Ackley Improved M70 Winchester out yesterday to shoot and fireform some brass........I think I may have a problem, any cogent thoughts and insights would be appreciated.
Using factory Winchester 25-06 120gr ammo, I fireformed 40 cases. From the 1st case out of the gun, I got a ring of about on quarter to one half circumference in the brass just above the case head.......almost like a "reverse belt." I took note, thought "hummm" to myself and proceeded to shoot the rest of the 2 boxes of ammo.
Today, I closely examined both boxes of fired cases and what I have is:
26 cases without a reverse belt.....looked normal as though they were fired in a chamber cut for them.
8 cases with a reverse belt and a case stretch or stress ring going around the case.
6 cases with a reverse belt, but no visual evidence of a stretch or stress ring.
I cut 2 cases with stress rings, and inside there was a thinning "trench" easily felt with a dental pick where the line on the outside of the brass existed.
My questions are:
Is this nomal? I have fireformed 7-30 waters before and have not encoutered this problem.
Is there brass better suited for fireforming other that Winchester?
Could Krieger have screwed up the chamber or is what I am seeing simple a result of what happens when fireforming factory ammo in an Ackley chamber.
I measured OAL of each fired case and length seems to be fine.
Anyone have experience in this arena? TIA.