Remember one critical point of interest. Stopping of a human, or animal, for that matter only occurs when the central nervous system is rendered non-functioning.
The CNS is the Brain-Spinal cord. With respect to the spinal cord, one must sever it above about C6-7 for death to be immediate. Severing lower than that may leave someone still functional to some degree with their arms. They may still wield a weapon effectively.
Respecting blood loss: it takes a human, or deer, for instance, about 30 seconds with hits to the chest, other than aorta, to loose enough blood for the brain to loose control of the body. Quite a few LEO have been killed in that crucial 30 second time that it takes one to bleed out!
Carry whatever you feel comfortable with, but DO NOT expect anything DRAMATIC to happen if you shoot a bullet into someone from ANY handgun. It probably won't. Some people die stubbornly, just as do some animals. If you do shoot, keep shooting until the threat is neutralized.
Now, carry something, anything that makes you feel comfortable. Be well practiced, learn to take cover, any cover when presented with a shooting situation. Always have a gun when a gunfight breaks out!
Please, carry some sort of a flash light, and learn to use it properly. Most shootings take place in poor lighting. Light makes target identification much more positive, especially in home-bound situations.
Shoot straight, and often,