Author Topic: What America can learn.  (Read 555 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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What America can learn.
« on: November 16, 2005, 12:53:20 PM »
:x More fuel for the fire.  If you agree with the following article, then drop a letter on your congressman stating your views.  It is my opinion that America will never fall as a result of outside influence, but will come to it's knees as a result of civil unrest.  With the number of illegals already here something like the riots in France may not be too far away.

This was taken from The Tombstone Tumbleweed News paper.

Washington, DC, November 10, 2005 - The violence that is sweeping France and other European nations provides a clear warring that we in America must heed, cautions the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) and the 9/11 Families for a Secure America.  As President Bush expends what little "political capital" he has left to promote a massive guest worker program in the U.S., France is being ripped apart by the unemployed and unassimilated offspring of their own failed guest worker programs of the 1970sa and 1980sa.

"The crisis in France provides the ultimate object lesson of why we must not go down the road President Bush is seeking to take this country," warned Dan Stein, president of FAIR.  "What is taking place in France is tragic and paradoxical.  A generation ago, they imported millions of "temporary" workers to do the jobs that supposedly the French wouldn't do.  The jobs dried up, but the workers and their children remained.  Not only weren't they temporary, but an alarming percentage are not even working."

Compounding the crisis of poverty and unemployment is the complete failure of the assimilation process in France and other European countries.  Millions of people across the continent do not identify with the nations in which they live and, as the recent spate of violence indicates, many hold deep animosity and hatred to the host nations and cultures.  "In spite of overwhelming evidence that guest worker programs have been an economic and social disaster everywhere they have been tried, President Bush insist that this country adopt the same failed policies," said Stein.  "Leaving aside the question of whether a labor shortage even exists at the moment in the United States, we can predict with absolute certainty that we will face massive social problems and cost down the road.

FAIR and 9/11 FSA are urging congress to reject any measures to increase the number of guest workers admitted to this country, and enforce laws against illegal immigration, and to reduce overall immigration in order allow America's own unassimilated and impoverished immigrant population to become part of the economic and social mainstream.

"The combination of unemployment, poverty, language, cultural and religious differences is a lethal mix," said 9/11 FSA spokeswoman Joan Molinaro.  "Our own cities are plagued with the same social pathologies.  Immigrants and their children are failing to assimilate and identify with mainstream American society.  While it has not reached the level of Western Europe, radical Islam is also taking root in our country.  As the numbers of disaffected second generation youth in this country grows, we can surely expect the same brand of extremism to spread here," she said.

"Poorly considered immigration and guest worker programs are literally ripping France apart.  Unless this country learns a lesson from what is taking place in France and across Europe, we may face the same explosive consequences,"  said Stein of FAIR. :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

Offline Shorty

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« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2005, 01:45:47 PM »
I don't buy it.
Mexicans are not Algerians and they are not Moslem.  They are Christian and have pretty much the same value system that "we" have.  Besides, they DO have a claim for having been here earlier.
The Irish and the Italians were once considered a scourge to American culture but they managed to assimilate.  
The Moslems in France have refused to assimilate because they consider themselves to be, well, not French.  They reject the values of the country that they live in.   :roll:

Offline Brett

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« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2005, 03:23:34 AM »

Moslems are not in short supply in this country already and we are getting more by the day.  As far as the Mexicans are concerned, I work construction and have met plenty of Mexicans who don't give a rip about our culture or our values.

There is a big difference between the Anglo Europeans who came to this country a few generations ago and the people who are coming in now.  Most, like my grandparents from Sweden and Poland, embraced the American culture and made an effort to assimilate into it by learning the langauge and getting as much education as they could in order to get good jobs and become productive citizens.  Many of the new comers only want to know where the nearest welfare office is.
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Offline Mauser

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« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2005, 08:12:05 AM »
The many Mexicans I am aware of do not have any intention of becoming "Americans."  They send much of their money back to Mexico and do not see any real need to adjust to our culture, language, etc.  They have no respect for our traditions, political or otherwise. They also tend to vote for Democrats and the welfare state (not that the Republicans do anything to reduce it).  It is pure "diversity" garbage that we need 2-4 million new Mexican immigrants each year.  Go to any urban emergency room, courthouse, school, etc and try to convince me that illegal immigration is not a huge net cost to America despite how many strawberries they may pick or rich people in Southern California they are nannies for.  Many Mexican-American political leaders openly call for the reconnection of the American Southwest back to Mexico.  

The bottom line is that culture matters (except, it seems, Anglo-European culture) and we are "balkanizing" this country with several cultures who want nothing to do with the American "melting pot" or "salad bowl."  It is only a matter of time, before we experience what France is experiencing now and eventually what Yugoslavia is experiencing.

Offline Brett

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« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2005, 08:26:50 AM »
Thanks Mauser. You have confirmed exactly what my experiences have been with the majority of Mexicans I have had contact with.  

As I've said before... hold on to your guns boys. You will need them come the uprising.
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Offline rockbilly

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« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2005, 02:48:11 PM »
:roll: Shorty.  Strange such comments would come from you.  Check the area around Waynesboro, Va.  My wife was raised there, last fall we spent a month visiting her family and friends.  While there, I learned that numerous people had been laid off from GE for cheaper illegal mexican labor.  One lady, a twenty five year employee was canned eight months short of retirement.  The company hired two mexicans at half the wage she was drawing.  Several other people I talked to were in the same position, unemployed because some mexican had taken their job for less money.  I was talking to a couple of LEOs at breakfast one morning, one told me the estimate was over 2500 illegals in that area alone.  They had all but taken over the construction areas of cement finishing, tile laying, brick laying and foundation building.

At what point will there be too many, causing some of them "hillbilly" boys to get their shooting irons and correct a situation that our government does nothing about?

The drain on our economy from coast to coast supporting the welfare needs of illegals is causing problems in a lot of areas.  It is a multi-million dollar drain on Texas taxpayers alone.  Our medical facilities are over extended, I know of one case, where an American veteran suffering a heart attack, was turned away, and sent to a hospital 60 miles away, because the hospital staff was treating several illegal aliens for dehydration, after they were rescued from the desert by Border Patrol agents.  English is the language that is spoken here, so why do we have to support programs in our schools to teach in another language?  In Abilene, TX., there are 27 different languages spoken in the schools.  A teacher has to be hired that can speak in that kids language to teach them.  In addition, how many of the illegals are criminals released from the jails in their country due to overcrowding, and encourage to flee to America by their government.. How many bring dieses from their country, and pass it on to Americans?  TB is an example, it was all but eliminated from the USA, the mexicans have blessed us, and brought it back.  It is much more common than 20 years ago.  What is the cost of dealing with illegals who commit crimes?  If I remember correctly, Texas has over 7000 behind bars now, thanks to my taxpayer dollars.  And to top it off, most are driving illegal, no license, no insurance.  If one hits your child, or grandchild, I am sure your attitude would change considerably.

Another point, lots of illegals that are caught and returned to their home country are back in the USA in a matter of days.  One such individual had bee convicted of child molestation in Washington state.  Some how he was deported and never served a day of his sentence.  Two months later he had returned to Tucson, AZ., where he raped another child.  We need to put these guys away for good.

See what happens when ya gets me started......just be prepared. :x  :x  :x  :x

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2005, 11:07:44 PM »
Well I said it once and was ignored, but, these folks are taking a lot of this country back the same way they could have kept it in the first place--by settling it.
There comes a time when the "Give me your tired, your poor ect" has run its course.
Has Mexico a grand scheme in operation? I doubt it, but they do not actively discourage it.
One town in South Texas passed an ordnance declaring Spanish to be the official language. This got a lot of bad press. It is in fact the common language down there and getting to be so here in Houston, along with several other languages.
On the other hand we seem to have done this in several places we occupied after WWII.
One official in Mexico, ( Vice-President maybe?) declared that they were only doing their national duty.
On the other hand there was a black preacher on TV the other night advocating giving the right to vote to all aliens who were in this country "legally". He advocates that all people of color are not being allowed their rights because they can't vote. I see this as a ploy on the part of some to divide and conquer.
I am not racist and have never been racist and I will say i never understood racism but it appears to me that other ethnic/nationalities are not willing to assimilate into this culture and it is going to cause some major problems in the future.  