I'm with you Tommy.... I hunt one day a year on public land in Mont Co.
My private deal doesn't kick in til the Northwestern MZ season in a week... I can't wait!!!
I have hunted this close public land 5 times for the last 5 years, opening day only... I was spoiled with 2 nice bucks the first 2 years, that had me off the property by 9am... I have not seen a deer since!!! The last 3 years I hunted hard the whole day,
only to get out to the trail head and encounter much of what I saw in the woods... Slurred speech, obvious drinking, BS stories on how many bucks they saw, but are holding out for the big one. One woodchuck even told me that he misstook me for a deer, and it was a good thing I had my red hat on for identification. When I reported to the warden he laughed... "yea we know that guy, he's just crazy"! NY where I'm from
the DEC would close the place down until a handle could be gotten on the situation. I got smart some years ago, and took my NY Yankees vanity plate off the car. Thank god for my Southern Gentleman friend that let's me hunt his land up by the Virginia border.......In a week!!! I pride myself on safety and doing the right thing... I may never go back to public NC hunting!!!