Was out shooting Martini's yesterday and brought the 6PDR mortar tube along to test fire.
Set the tube up with sandbags and fired a half charge 250 grs. of Cannon Grade.
The ball went about 40 yards down range.
Heres' the impact hole. The ball bounced back out of the hole towards the mortar.
Next up a load of 500 grs. of Cannon grade.
This was load and the we watch the ball sial up and over the 100yard berm to land in a ditch bank of tall weed about 140 yards down range. Darn I lost the ball.
Turn to the mortar and
YIKES look at this!!!
The tube fell over from the recoil and was pointing straight back at us.
Here's the movie.
http://www.fototime.com/A87E3E7C64AD55A/conv.wmvSorry dialuppers it's 1.2MB and will take 6 or 7 minutes to down load for 19 seconds of video