Congratulations One Hole 4570, spend all the time with your son you can, one day you will turn around to look at him and he will be all grown up. I don't how it happens it just does, savor every minute you have with your children. One day your changing diapers, one day your reading bedtime stories, and the next your reading the front page of the newspaper about a firefighter who crawled through a fully engulfed second floor of a home, and located and pulled to safety an unconscious and severly burnt woman, in the next sentence you see it was your son!!! (she was in a Boston Hospital for 2-3 months after but she lived). I still get nervous when I remember reading that about my "little boy" a couple of years ago, when the heck did he grow up? I tried to be there with him when he was little but have found out you can NEVER spend to much time with your children. My daughter is no longer "Daddy's Little Girl" either but a beautiful, young woman, how did that happen without my seeing it? Just turn around and they are adults, so enjoy them while you can, as much as you can. It seems your doing a fine job with that, keep it up!!!....<><.... :grin: