well, it was the last day of muzzleloading season here in NH, and I was hunting with my .54 cal Scout Pistol... 80g7773Fg ROUND BALL out of treestand.
Called in a small 1 1/2 yr old 6 pointer 120lb dressed approx.
he was about 20 yrds away off my right shoulder, broadside, perfect shot, I put the reddot on him just behind the shoulder centerbody, and pulled the trigger......
SNAP. #11 cap went off, but no powder. he jumped a few feet.
I slowly put on another cap, and now he is at 25yrds I again put the reddot on him... pulled the trigger, and SNAP...
now he runs a few more yrds... I have time to put on the 3rd cap. I grunt some more hopin to get him to come closer. he's about 30 yrds away, and is behind some trees. I grunt somemore, and he desides to start his way out in front of me.... nice open 30-35yrd shot. I put the reddot on him one more time, pull the trigger expecting a SNAP, but now KaBOOM.
He takes off. I honestly don't think I hit him. I'm checking for blood trail this morning. Really hard to find spurts of blood in the Fall leaves.
I'm NOT used to this.. I haven't missed in 23yrs...
every deer I've hit with BP has dropped in its tracks... first time I've hunted with this Pistol. and I sighted in for 25 yrds. I could consistently hit center of paper at 25yrds. I honestly think I blew this shot... I can't see how a deer of that size could have been hit buy a .54 round ball and jog off like that.
Well, I looked allday Wednesday, and I didn't find anything...
OK, this morning I went back to this spot with Rem. 870 1-4 scope with 3" Lightfields.
I'm trying to walk in woods at dark, when a tree branch hits me in the eye, my shooting eye, and takes out my contact lense... if it had been my left eye, I would have continued hunting.. but I couldn't. I get back in my truck and drive a 1/2 hr back home with one eye.. I quickly put another contact in and wella, I can see again... I rush over to my parents house down the street, to hunt behind their house.. It's now about 7am.
and here is the rest of this morning....... :evil:
I called in a 200 lb. 8 pointer this morning, 10 minutes into the woods, and I missed an easy 40 yd shot with my scoped 870 as this Brute was heading for me... I took the shot earlier cuz I was wondering in the back of my mind when he was going to smell me... If I had waited, I probably could have beat him over the head with my firearm...
This is strange... the last time I experienced buck fever, I was 15 yrs old.... missed easy shot at a doe... I've taken 4 bucks in that time, and I'm used of going through the list in my head before taking the shot..
"OK slow it down, relax.... take aim.... hammerback... take a deep breath... breath out slowly... slower... gently sqeeze.....
alright Venision Stew tonight....
But after those misfires from the Scout, I'm downright jittery...
would you goto the range and put 20 boxes of 3" Lightfields through your shoulder as punishment.. hoping to shock yourself out of this funk..
What would you do?
I'm also taking "Ol Betsy" My 40 yr old TC .54 cal Hawkens out of the closet and I loading her with a conical in front of 100g 7773Fg. Next deer will be in her sights.... All but one of my deer have been taken by her, but her barrel is getting tired.. she's really only a 50 yrd shooter now..
I know I missed this Buck, cuz he didn't run away, he just stood there...
and I freaked out and didn't rack a new round correctly and jammed the 870.. I cleared it, put a fresh round in, and all the time this PUNK is 40yrds away watching me... I pick up on him and he takes off. I let 2 more bad shot go...all I see is the Flag... I follow him into the swamp, but he never gives me a good shot again. But he is OK... I hope to see him tomorrow...