Iv'e wanted one for some time.. so when Charles Daly started importing the Zastava Mauser in 375 length, got one. Had E.R.Shaw spin up a chrome moly #3 and finish ream chamber... had a mauser new replacement military stock in teak.. don't know where it came from .. but heavy and good solid crossbolt to work with. I figured if this thing was gonna split stocks from recoil, lets start with this one.. In my scope box, came up with an old weaver 1.5-4 steel tube, still in good shape, and has withstood the recoil of 338 win mag.. Had to set back barrel about .012 to headspace, after trueing up front receiver ring square in a lathe..(wasn't too bad to begin with)... got her all together this afternoon, and took her out to my backyard range,, swallowed hard, and pulled the trigger.. The recoil is not bad at all.. my son's 300 weatherby is LOTS worse.. got dark on me but got her on paper at 100 yds off the bench.. I'm stoked... This one weighs in at 10and a half lbs, and is ugly as sin, but I believe it's got some potential.. more to follow..Les