I took my BDL .223 to the range with me today. I set up to shoot and realized i didn't have rest with me.
so i stacked up ammo boxes and shot a 3 shot group off that.
i walked up to the target knowning i had pulled one shot and not expecting much.
well the one i pulled simply enlarged the group to about .228 because the other two shots were directly north and south of each other.
so i got three shots almost perfectly on top of each other.
the vertical string is still less than an inch, and side to side is well under 1/4 inch.
this is one gun that isn't ever leaving my possession.
the ammo i used was factory winchester white box 45 grain hps.
one of the guys at the range saw my group and just said "wow, was that at 100 yards???"
i got to smile and say yes and we talked a bit about loadings and decided maybe i shouldnt bother to reload for this one lol.