Author Topic: Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on the Howa rifles?  (Read 1138 times)

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Offline grouper sandwich

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on the Howa rifles?
« on: February 28, 2003, 12:44:26 PM »
Anybody know anything about these?

Offline jhm

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2003, 01:25:31 PM »
I have one was impressed with the accracy of it, got it in a trade with a friend 223 cal. already have 2 others in 223 a ruger and a rem and the howa will shoot right up there with either of them and maybe better than the ruger mk2 but I really havnt sat down and put the pencil to target to see, the howa has become my daily truck rifle this winter and has accounted for several coyotes at different ranges with-out a failure yet all I can ask from a gun and besides I just like the feel of it. :D   JIM

Offline Advocate

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2003, 05:41:29 AM »
I've had favorable experiences with two Howa 1500 rifles: (1) a .300 Win Mag and (2) a 30-06. Both were accurate and functioned flawlessly.  Although Howa is invariably billed as a low end "economy" budget rifle, in my experience they are  fully equal in accuracy, fit, finish and functioning to Remington and Winchester.  Indeed, they have several superior features, to wit:

(1)  Their actions  and magazines are longer than most and this allows handloaders to seat the bullets out longer than would otherwise be the case. In both my .300 Win Mag and my 30-06 I could load the oal cartridge length to equal full .375 H&H length, which provided more powder capacity and better ballistics.  

(2)  The shape of the bolt hand is superior.  It is longer and has an aesthetically pleasing pear shap that is nice looking and functional.  It faciliates rapid and reliable bolt cycling under adverse conditions (i.e. cold hands, gloves, etc).

(3)  The ejection port is larger than Remington or Winchester and this faciliates easier, faster loading and re-loading under adverse circumstances, such as when you're in a hurry or when  your hands are cold or you're wearing gloves.   In summary, the Howa is very ergonomically well designed and very "user friendly."

One additional advantage is that they're designed to use the same  scope mount bases as the Remington M-700.  Somebody had their thinking cap on when they did that.

Offline Zachary

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« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2003, 01:01:51 PM »
Sorry I'm a little late, but I was fishing in the Keys pretty much all weekend. 8)

Advocate pretty much summed it all up. :D    

 The only other thing that I would add is that the older Weatherby Vanguards used to be made by Howa.  My uncle owned one in .270 and it was exceptionally accurate.

I have never owned one and thus cannot give you extended personal experience.  However, I have shot several at shooting ranges and was quite impressed with them.  Howas are good guns for the money, and they are well made - relatively speaking.

I would, however, take a Tikka over a Howa any day, but then again, if I were to get a deal on a Howa that I simply couldn't refuse then, well, I wouldn't refuse. :wink:


Offline grouper sandwich

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2003, 01:08:09 PM »
I've got a call into a shop in Albany, Ga for prices on the Tikka, CZ 550 and Howa 1500.  After they get back with me, I'll proceed from there.  Thanks for all of your help.

Zachary, no fair rubbing in the fishing in the Keys bit!  The wind has been howling in the Big Bend since December and now the El Nino rains are deluging us.  Add 59* Gulf water temps on top of that, and "Cabin Fever" is taking on a whole new meaning!  And to add insult to injury, my freezer is devoid of both grouper AND venison!  Ugggggh, come on spring!

Offline Zachary

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2003, 02:55:57 AM »
Grouper, the Keys are calling your name! :D


Offline John (Rojo)

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2003, 02:04:30 PM »
Grouper,  I bought my Howa on a "whim" to see if they were as good as most shooters said they were.  READ MY POST ON MY HOWA VARMINT.  I was surprised.  Fit and finish rates as good or better with others in its bracket.  The length and shape of the bolt is very user friendly,  and trigger adjustment is easy.  Mine is in 22-250 cal.   I can't say they are all accurate,  but,  I indeed got a good one.  It also made me look good at the range.  Something I'm not used to.

The varmint uses a Boyds laminated stock.  There may be other models which incorporate the Boyds stock also.  Check out Legacy Sports website.

John (Rojo)

Offline grouper sandwich

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« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2003, 02:31:34 PM »
I'm looking at the stainless steel/laminate (pepper) in 243 (JRS Calssic).  I spoke to my gun shop guy, in Albany, Ga. of all places, and he seemed impressed with the Howa.  His comment was that he had sold several and had heard nothing but good things about them.  The only negative that he mentioned was that they were made in Japan.  Gee, imagine that coming from rural SW Georgia? :wink:

I'll read you post.  And thanks for the info.

Offline jdt48653

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2003, 05:07:33 PM »
i have a howa vanguard 300 weatherby,it is one fine rifle for the price!
better then my rem700!

Offline Zachary

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« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2003, 03:17:22 AM »
One of the magazines, I think it is Gunworld, had an article on the Howa 1500 Varmit with the Boyd laminated thumbhole stock as someone previously mentioned.  I just wanted to mention is that there was a picture of the stock with the barrel off and it showed evidence of hand inletting - that's a good sign - means that hand labor is involved to make sure that it's done right.

I wasn't too impressed with the stated accuracy.  The author shot about 6 or 8 different factory loads in .22-250 that ranged from .5" groups to about 1.5" groups.  Granted, shoot what your gun likes, but I have seen other .22-250 rifles shoot just about anything well under 1".


Offline OOBuckshot

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Zachary, or any other experts, opinions on
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2003, 04:56:03 PM »
:sniper: I have a Howa in a .243 that shoots under a half inch. I bought it at a gun show used for $350.00. I was like you, after I bought the rifle, I looked all around to find out about it. Some time afterwards, John Sundra wrote an article for Rifle Shooter mag. and said they were the most underated rifle on the market. I have never seen them on the shelf new. I think they sell for under $500.00 new. What more can you ask for. A rifle under $500.00 that shoots half inch groups. People pay a lot of money to get a rifle that will do that. If I had a need for a new caliber, I would buy it in a Howa. OOBuckshot

Offline Fusilier31

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Howa 1500 Varminter
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2003, 05:20:31 PM »
Actually, the review is in Rifle Magazine, July 2002, page 16.  Stan Trzoniec reviews the Legacy 223 Remington on the Howa Varminter platform.  

BTW:  Jerry's Sports Center is currently running an inventory clearance sale on Howa rifles and barreled actions.