it acts no different than a compound BOW and a RELEASE.
not true. you must draw a bow when the deer gets close. most times this is what gives you away. a crossbow can be cocked for hours on end.
WI bow hunters now say no crossbows during our season, No T zone hunts during our season as it screws up the rut and no bear dogs or bear hunting as that screws up our season.
also not true. for the quite a while now we have had a t zone right smack dab in the middle of archery season. right before the rut, too. you know how hard it is to kill a deer with a bow, especially after everyone and their brother has been out shooting at them.
and as far back as i can remember, bear season and bow deer season overlap quite a bit. i dont know any deer bowhunters that mind at all.
Hey Small game hunters screw up our season
aint heard that one either ('xept maybe from a young hunter who dont know any better then to sit tight and see what might be kicked up).
now i understand what your saying. now hear me out...
bowhunting is about something more than getting your deer. it is about
hunting. to actually stack the odds in favor of your quarry, and go out and still try to get them.
it is also about getting to pursue the game in their natural state, one their terms. not running around like pinballs with everyone shooting at them.
there are some people who look to use every bit of advantage they can in order to sway the odds in their favor. most of us bowhunters see crossbows as an example of this. another is scent suits, bait, on and on.
the list never seems to end. if easy is what a person is after, bowhunting isnt the game.
and it aint about killing "my deer". i could care less. i havent killed a deer (while hunting) since 2000. and i am fine with that. to me it is more about the health of the herd and enjoying my hunt.
i do respect your opinion, even though we may view it from a different angle.