On my stand, beautiful morning, happened to look at my hammer, and it was pulled back about 1/2 inch? I thought what the %$#, pulled it back and tried to ease it back down, no go. pulled the hammer back turned the gun upside down and what I think is the transfer bar, fell out in my hand!!!! It is a small flat piece with a little pin through the bottom sideways. the pin looks really worn on one side and in good shape on the other. I know thats not much of an engineer's description of parts but does anyone know if it is the t-bar and a 800# for NEF service. If I ship it can I just send the receiver minus stock and bbl? Also, how common is this? Needless to say I was more than a little angry, over it now, but man, that was a 10 point broadside shot disaster waiting to happen! Any help would be great.