Dave: Do not feel like the Lone Ranger, looking back on it I must have short stroked my 760 a couple of times. And it is a .270 Win.
My biggest problem as a kid was house cleaning. The magazine being the house. When on the road the magazine was in a front pocket of my jeans. I found out that the 760 action has a hard time feeding coins, lint, and gum rappers. After buying an extra magazine odds were high that junk would get into a magazine. A dollar military compass pouch and a cleaning program helped cure the problem. To be a teenager!
A day in the woods can be a dirty enviroment. Sliding downhills, finding a seat in the dirt, crawling under thick brush, and lizards running up pants legs are part of the hunt. My hunting cloths go into a separate load in the washing machine. Even with seat covers in my new pickup I put a towel on the seat because I drag leaves, needles, and dirt in.
I have seen other firearms suffer from short stroking. Mostly pump shotguns, also level action rifles. I do not recall short stroking the 760 after my LE training. I was firing a few hundred rounds a year from my duty 870 and having to qualify with it. Nothing like a lot of practice to clean up potiential problems.
I must admit that I have not had much exposer to a M760/M7600 chambered for a short round. I take it that the overall length of magazine is the same as the 30-06 magazine but it has a spacer. Are there any feeding problems other then short stroking that goes along with the design?